Category Press Release
ZOA Criticizes Secretary Of State Rice For Demanding Israel Give Weapons To Palestinian Authority

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized President Bush’s Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for aggressively demanding that Israel transfer combat-support equipment, weapons and ammunition to the Palestinian Authority (PA) armed forces, while at the same time demanding that Israel “exercise restraint in responding to terror.” According to a report by Eliel Shahar in […]

Hamas Calls Gaza Withdrawal Plan A “National Achievement”

New York — A senior leader of the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, Ismail Haneya, has described the upcoming Israeli withdrawal/expulsion of 10,000 Jews from their homes, schools, synagogues, farms and businesses in Gaza and Northern Samaria as “a national achievement.” In an interview, Haneya was quoted as saying, “Hamas sees in the Israeli withdrawal from […]

No Validity To Conclusion Of ADL Poll Claiming Americans Support Gaza Plan, Proclaim Professors Of Statistics And Math From U. Of Penn, Hebrew U. & Temple U

New York – Abe Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) released a new poll on Israel’s Gaza Withdrawal Plan claiming it shows that 71% of Americans support the Plan. Israel’s Gaza Withdrawal Plan will cede the Jewish portion of Gaza and a portion of North Samaria to the Palestinian Authority and will forcibly […]

ZOA Condemns Abbas And Other Palestinian Leaders For Inviting Terror Groups To Move From Syria To Gaza After Israel Leaves

Abbas is No Moderate New York – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly condemned Palestinian Authority (PA) Chief Mahmoud Abbas, PA Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei, and PA Civil Affairs Minister Muhammad Dahlan for inviting terrorist leaders and groups, including Hamas, to move to Gaza after Israel expels 9,000 Jewish men, women and children […]

Outgoing IDF Chief: New Palestinian Terror War Against Israel Will Begin After Gaza Evacuation

New York – In an interview with Israel’s Ha’Aretz newspaper, outgoing Israel Defense Forces Chief General Moshe Ya’alon said that following the Gaza evacuation and removal of 9,000 Jews from their homes, he expects “there will be an eruption. Terrorist attacks of all types: shooting, bombs, suicide bombers, mortars, Quassam rockets…there is a high probability […]

ADL’s Poll Results Supporting Gaza Withdrawal Are Meaningless

NEW YORK – The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has released a poll last week showing that a majority of Americans support the Gaza withdrawal plan, while about 25% of Americans are opposed. ADL took out large ads in papers throughout the U.S., signed by its National Chair, Barbara Balser, and its National Director, Abraham H. Foxman, […]

Arab Druze Knesset Member: Gaza Plan Is Bad For Israel Security – Great For Hamas Terrorists

NEW YORK: Ayoob Kara, a Druze Arab Knesset member of the Likud Party, told the World Net Daily that “This Gaza withdrawal is going to be terrible for Israel security. Hamas is going to become dominant as soon as Israel leaves Gaza, and they will use the land they’re receiving to stage more attacks against […]

ZOA And Young Israel Part Of 50-Person Delegation Visiting Beautiful Jewish Community In Gaza And Shomron

A delegation of over 50 Americans visited the beautiful beach front Jewish communities in Gush Katif/Gaza for a Shabbos weekend April 8th and 9th. The Mission also visited all four Jewish communities in the Shomron (West Bank) area that are scheduled to be evacuated along with the Israeli Jews of Gush Katif. The group toured […]

Israel Military Intelligence Chief: Abbas Moving Terrorists From Gaza To West Bank

NEW YORK – Israeli Military Intelligence Chief Aharon Ze’evi Farkash testified before the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee stating that Palestinian Arabs are moving terrorists and its infrastructure from Gaza to Judea and Samaria. This may well be happening due to the Arab conviction that Israel is leaving Gaza and forcefully deporting 9000 Jews […]

Israeli Military: Palestinian Terror Attacks Against Jews Will Resume After Completion Of Gaza Withdrawal

NEW YORK – Israel’s largest newspaper, Yediot Ahronot (April 1, 2005), reported that the Palestinian terror/murder war against the Jews of Israel will resume as soon as Israel completes the forced deportation and transfer of 9000 Jews according to the Sharon/Bush Gaza withdrawal plan. Military sources said that the focus of renewed Palestinian terror attacks […]