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ZOA’s Mort Klein, Child of Holocaust Survivors, Remembers the Six Million Lost and Praises Pres. Trump Statement

The ZOA commemorates Holocaust Remembrance Day to never forget the six million precious Jewish souls that were lost due to unbridled hatred of the Jewish people by the German Nazis and others.  A callous and uncaring world whose own indifference and even enmity toward Jews allowed this to happen.  Millions of beautiful Jewish people could […]

Jordan’s Claim that Arab- Israel Impasse is Core Mideast Issue is Nonsense

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized Jordanian King Abdullah for his assertion that the Israeli/Palestinian Arab impasse is the core problem of the Middle East and advised President Trump to ignore this oft-repeated cliché about the conflict which is designed to blame Israel for the region’s problems.   In a press conference with […]

ZOA is Thrilled: Ambassador David Friedman Confirmed as Amb. to Israel

ZOA’s Morton A. Klein said, “The ZOA sincerely congratulates Amb. David Friedman on this wonderful achievement in a life filled with many achievements. Amb Friedman’s parents Rabbi and Ms. Morris Friedman and Hashem by their side are welling up with pride and joy. This is a great day for America, Israel, the Jewish people and […]

Prager: Why Do U.S. Jews Want So Many Jew Haters in America?

Last week, the Jerusalem Post and other news agencies reported that in a Paris suburb, two Jewish brothers wearing kippot (Jewish skullcaps) were attacked while driving their car by Middle Easterners driving another car. According to a case report: “While the vehicle was in motion, the driver and a passenger shouted anti-Semitic slogans at the […]

ZOA’s Klein Quoted Extensively About PA State in JNS Article

For the second time in a month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has informed the leader of a major Western power that Israel will retain full security control over all of the disputed territories in any future arrangement with Palestinians.  Netanyahu told Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop in a closed-door meeting Sunday that Israel would […]

Leading Canadian Paper: “Settlements” are Legal

Canada’s current position on Israeli “settlements” is that they are illegal because they violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, specifically Paragraph 6 which states: “The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.” The time has come for Canada to change our position to […]

ZOA Mort Klein Interview with the JEWISH PRESS

Morton Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America, took the helm of a declining organization in 1993 and blew new life into it with his robust championing of Israel. In an interview with The Jewish Press, Klein shared his views and visions concerning the ZOA and Israel. The Jewish Press: How did you […]

ZOA’s Morton Klein Congratulates His Friend David Friedman on Amb. to Israel Nomination

My friend David Friedman has the potential to be the greatest US Ambassador to Israel ever. He thoroughly understands the detailed tragic reality of the Arab/Islamic war against Israel. He has a powerful grasp of Israel’s defense needs, the dangers they face, and the danger now of a Hamas/PA State. No previous ambassador appreciates the […]

Emerson: DNC Chair Hopeful Ellison Blasts Israel Influence, Praises/Supports Radical Islamists, Opposes Undivided Jerusalem and More

U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison’s announced earlier this month that he wants to be the Democratic National Committee Chair.. A 2010 audio of Ellison speaking at a private fundraiser obtained by the Investigative Project on Terrorism calls such praise into question. In a fairly intimate setting, Ellison lashed out at what he sees as Israel’s disproportionate […]

ZOA: Correcting the Record About Abe Foxman’s False Statement About ZOA Gala Dinner

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: ZOA urges former ADL Director Abe Foxman to publicly correct his false accusations that ZOA misled Mr. Foxman regarding ZOA’s gala dinner, that took place Sunday, November 20, 2016.  Mr. Foxman claims he wanted to come ZOA’s Dinner because his friend Home […]