Category Uncategorized
One "collaborator" murdered in Gaza only guilty of badmouthing Hamas

Al Majd, a website dedicated to protecting Gaza from Israeli intelligence, published the “confessions” of one of the “collaborators” who was gruesomely and publicly murdered during Pillar of Defense. But his “confession” does not contain any actionable intelligence. Instead, it reflects the typical skepticism and  disillusionment of someone who sees corruption in his society. The […]

Israeli Arab students score higher in tests than those from every Arab country

From JPost: Israeli students from all sectors of society registered dramatic increases in test scores in all subjects, the Education Ministry announced Tuesday. According to an Education Ministry summary of 2011 test scores, Israeli students registered their highest scores on international tests since they started being recorded in the late 1990s. Hebrew speakers ranked in […]

Australian cartoonist loves his anti-semitic themes; paper defends him

From the Australian Jewish News: THE editor-in-chief of The Age has defended a series of cartoons published over the last week, one of which the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) labelled as “virulent hate-speech”, that have outraged the Melbourne Jewish community. A cartoon by Michael Leunig last Wednesday adapted German pastor Martin Niemoeller’s famous “First […]

Orthodox Jewish basketball player at Northwestern

From ESPN last week: Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights, begins at sundown Saturday. But there’s already cause for celebration among Jewish basketball fans thanks to Aaron Liberman, a freshman walk-on at Northwestern who also happens to be an Orthodox Jew. He hasn’t yet appeared in a game this season because of a nasty case […]

BDS-linked professor to chair California university anti-Semitism task force

Manzar Foroohar, a professor connected to the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, has been selected to chair a committee aimed at combating anti-Semitism in the California State University (CSU) system.

For Israel, All You Need is <3

Amidst all the Twitter feeds, Facebook posts and YouTube videos about Israel during last month’s Operation Pillar of Defense, a new student voice emerged in social media that focused on what Israel truly stands for…and it comes from the heart.

Chanukah song night 4: Matisyahu

All Proceeds through the End of Hanukkah will be donated to Hurricane Sandy Relief. For more info visit: and download at on iTunes: on Amazon: (h/t Yerushalimey)

Turkey jails more journalists than any other country

From Now (Lebanon): Turkey has been hailed as a beacon of democracy in a troubled region. Many cite it as an example for post-revolutionary countries of the Arab Spring, as it is held up as a successful fusion of liberalism and Islam. But a report by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) published on Tuesday […]

Tuesday links

From Ian: Rejection and terror: Same old Palestinian choices “That Abbas would rather shun repeated offers from Israel, and instead embrace Hamas, indicates that yet again, when presented with a path for peace, the Palestinians chose rejection and terror Some have even suggested Israel ought to directly negotiate with Hamas. But where does one begin […]