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Ha’aretz’s Apartheid Campaign Against Israel

Do most Israelis support an apartheid regime in the country and do they advocate discrimination against Arabs? An article by Gideon Levy in Ha’aretz highlighted with sensational but distorted headlines twists facts to promote the apartheid canard against Israel.

Minority Report: Akiva Eldar Responds

Akiva Eldar responds to the Presspectiva/CAMERA exposé concerning his false report that the Israeli government has acknowledged that Jews are the minority between the river and the sea. He partially acknowledges the falsehood, and also introduces a new distorted figure.

Karl Vick Conceals Abbas’s Rejection of Negotiations

Time Magazine’s Karl Vick doesn’t bother to tell readers that Abbas chose not to negotiate with Israel, and describes 800 rockets targeting Israel in 10 months as attacks that happen “from time to time.”

Claims in Doubt: The Islamic Society of North America

CAMERA’s Special Report about the Islamic Society of North America suggests news outlets should look behind the society’s self-portrait as the “largest mainstream Muslim community-based organization” in the United States.

ZOA Calls Upon Pres. Obama to Cease Support for Supplying Muslim Brotherhood Syrian Rebels

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon President Barack Obama to cease U.S. support for supplying weaponry to the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist rebels in Syria, which has been reported to be occurring in recent weeks. As the ZOA has pointed out repeatedly, the Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamist movement that […]

Wall Street Journal Corrects Map Calling West Bank ‘Palestine’

In response to communication from CAMERA staff, Wall Street Journal editors promptly correct a map which referred to the West Bank as “Palestine.” They also correct a caption which likewise identified the Gaza Strip as “Palestine.”

Test Blog Post

This is a test blog post. On June 27, several Palestinian Authority (PA) officials accused Israel of having a policy to disseminate drugs among Palestinian youth. The District Governor of Ramallah and El-Bireh, Laila Ghannam, was reported as saying in a meeting with the Italian Consul-General, Giampaolo Cantini, that “the spread of the plague of […]

ZOA Concerned About U.S. Ambassador Urging Israeli Citizens To Pressure Their Own Government

NEW YORK – In response to media reports that the U.S. ambassador to Israel publicly appealed to Israelis to “pressure” their government and the Knesset to offer more concessions to the Arabs (Reuters, Jan. 23, 2002), the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has urged the Bush administration to affirm that such appeals are inappropriate interference […]

Teenage American Girl Shot By Palestinian Arabs; ZOA Urges Bush To Demand Arafat Hand Over Attackers

22 Americans Killed,53 Wounded, Since ‘93 NEW YORK – An American teenage girl remains in critical condition after she was one of the 42 people wounded in a Palestinian Arab terrorist attack in Jerusalem on January 22. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging the Bush administration to publicly demand that Yasir Arafat hand […]

Bin Laden Terrorists Fleeing Afghanistan Given Shelter In Syria & Syrian-Occupied Lebanon

NEW YORK – Terrorists from Osama Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda group who are fleeing Afghanistan are being given shelter in Syria and Syrian-occupied Lebanon, according to the chief of Israeli Military Intelligence. General Aharon Zeevi Farkash, chief of Israeli Military Intelligence, told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee “that members of Al Qaeda who […]