Biden Appointments Watch

Joe Biden’s Hostile-to-Israel Appointments:

Linda Thomas-Greenfield
United States Ambassador to the United Nations

Lie #1: During her UNSC address, Amb. Thomas-Greenfield falsely blamed Jewish “settlers in the “West Bank” for a “deeply alarming” “uptick” in “deadly violence against Palestinian civilians” in 2023-24.


Read the ZOA’s news release:

ZOA is Appalled by Biden’s Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s Shameful Antisemitic Lies at UN Security Council

Tyler Cherry
Associate Communications Director

Cherry’s hateful anti-Israel tweets included: “Cheersing [sic] in bars to ending the occupation of Palestine – no shame and f*** your glares #ISupportGaza #FreePalestine.”


Read the ZOA’s news release:

ZOA Urges: Biden Must Fire Tyler Cherry, His New Assoc. Communications Director – Who Called for Israel’s Elimination

Dan Shapiro
Senior Advisor for Regional Integration in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

Shapiro is currently part of the Biden team planning to turn the October 7, 2023 massacre into a twisted pretext to place the PA terror regime in control of Gaza, with a view towards ultimately turning Gaza, Judea/Samaria and eastern Jerusalem into a Palestinian terror state. 


Read the ZOA’s news release:

ZOA Opposes Iran-Deal and Palestinian (Terror) State Promoter Daniel B. Shapiro’s Appointment as Senior Advisor for Regional Integration, Bureau Of Near Eastern Affairs

Jack Lew
United States Ambassador to Israel

Jack Lew lied about Israel, shilled for Iran, and called for Israel’s suicidal retreat.


Read the ZOA’s news release:
ZOA Opposes Nominating Former Obama Official Jack Lew to Become U.S. Amb. To Israel
Read Morton A. Klein’s Op-Ed:
Don’t Let Jack Lew Become U.S. Ambassador to Israel

Ramzi Kassem
Senior Policy Advisor for Immigration at the White House Domestic Policy Council

In his columns, as in his activism, Ramzi Kassem repeatedly justified terrorism as a reaction to its victims. “Terrorism is but one of many reactions to oppression and dispossession and not their cause.”


Read the Op-Ed:
Terrorist Lawyer Who Condemned Israel, Defended 9/11, Now Sets Biden Immigration Policy | World Israel News

Kimberly Marteau Emerson
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council

Kimberly Marteau Emerson has been an active member of the Board of Directors of the Israel-bashing and America-bashing Human Rights Watch (HRW), which is infamous for falsely accusing Israel of “apartheid,” “crimes against humanity,” “persecuting” and “systematic oppression” and “inhumane acts” against Palestinians. 


Read ZOA’s news release:
Rescind Biden’s Appointment to Holocaust Museum’s Board Hostile-to-Israel Kimberly Emerson (HRW) and Alan Solomont (NIF; IPF, J Street Chair)

Alan D. Solomont
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council

While giving the opening speech at J Street’s 2022 National Conference, Solomont blasted Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu; called Israeli government officials “ultra-nationalist bigots with massive destructive influence”; called much of the lawful Jewish homeland “occupied territories”; and called for “standing up to the right wing fanatics and to occupation.”


Read ZOA’s news release:Rescind Biden’s Appointment to Holocaust Museum’s Board Hostile-to-Israel Kimberly Emerson (HRW) and Alan Solomont (NIF; IPF, J Street Chair)

Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum
U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom

Kleinbaum retweeted Randi Weingarten’s tweet describing antisemites Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory as “warriors for justice and I am honored to know them and work with them & call them friends…”


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA Concerned: Biden Appoints Radical Israel-Basher, Sharon Kleinbaum, to U.S. Religious Freedom Commission

Deborah Lipstadt
U.S. Ambassador to Monitor & Combat Antisemitism

“Lipstadt’s abuse of false Nazi and antisemitism charges against those with whom she disagrees politically should disqualify her from serving as the U.S. Combating Antisemitism Envoy.”


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA: Deborah Lipstadt – Who Called Trump an “Antisemitic Enabler” & Compared Him to Nazis – is a Divisive, Partisan, Wrong Choice for Antisemitism Envoy

Tamara Cofman Wittes
Assistant Administrator for USAID’s Middle East Arm

“Tamara Cofman Wittes and her co-authors try to blame the PLO’s pay-to-slay program on Israel, frame it as a right of the PLO, and then, after rolling their eyes at the roadblock of the PLO funding terrorism, propose to cover it up by passing it off as a welfare program.”


Read Daniel Greenfield’s article:
Biden Nominates Tamara Cofman Wittes: Opponent of Israel

Read Dmitry Shapiro’s article:
New Biden Nominees Opposed Abraham Accords & Involved in Israeli Election Interference

Dilawar Syed
SBA Deputy Administrator

“Following Mr. Syed’s confirmation hearing, Emgage Action released incendiary statements during the regional unrest, stating “This state of affairs is not a case of ‘both sides.’ Not when Palestinians are occupied and the State of Israel is the occupier.”


Read ZOA’s news release:
Sen. Hawley, Others Want Another Hearing on Another Biden Anti-Israel Nominee

Hady Amr
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Israeli-Palestinian Affairs Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs: then elevated to Special Envoy to the Palestinians

“I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada,” Hady Amr wrote a year after Sept. 11, 2001.


Read the ZOA’s news releases: ZOA Opposes Biden Elevating Hady (“I’m Inspired by Intifada War Against Israel”) Amr to be “Special Envoy to the Palestinians”

and Biden Admin. Disrespects Israeli Sovereignty and International Law By Separating “Palestinian Affairs Unit” Reporting and Elevating “Intifada-Inspired” Hady Amr to Special Envoy to Palestinians

Read Daniel Greenfield’s articles:
The problem with Hadi Amr | JNS

and Biden Appoints Supporter of ‘Intifada’ as ‘Ambassador’ to PLO in Israel

Sarah Margon
Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor

Margon was active on social media “urging companies to pull out of the Israeli Settlements”, but her hatred for the Jewish State goes beyond an economic war of BDS in all its forms.


Read Daniel Greenfield’s article:
Biden Picks Soros BDS Activist as Asst Secretary for Human Rights | Frontpagemag


Uzra Zeya
Under Secretary of State for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights

Zeya has a long record of denouncing the “Israel lobby” and the “secret money” it uses to control American politicians…. She appears not to care that Hamas & the PLO endanger their own civilians by placing weapons in schools, hospitals, mosques…. Nor does her support of Hamas and the PA suggest she should be in charge of defending “democracy” anywhere else.



Read ZOA’s news release:
Biden Appoints Another Israel-Hater: Uzra Zeya | Op-Ed By Hugh Fitzgerald

Samantha Power
Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development

Power Called for the New York Times to Headline Alleged Signs of Israeli “War Crimes” – Even Though An Anti-Israel NGO Admitted Its Allegations Were False.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA Appalled: Opposes Samantha Power to Head United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Sit on National Security Council

Colin Kahl
Under Secretary of Defense 

In 2018, Kahl absurdly tweeted, “we are all going to die” if the White House replaced H.R. McMaster as national security adviser with pro-Israel, strong Iran opponent Amb. John Bolton. 


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA Opposes Anti-Israel Iran-Appeaser Colin Kahl’s Confirmation as Undersecretary for Defense

Wendy Sherman
Deputy Secretary of State

Sherman also downplayed PLO suicide bombings and other terror attacks on innocent Israelis engineered by Arafat following the Oslo accords, by calling this mere “nagging disruptions from the Palestinian side.”


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA: Depty Secy State Nominee Wendy Sherman: Hostile to Israel, Pro-Iran Deal

Kristen Clarke
Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division

The linked letter [in Clark’s tweet] accused ADL of playing a “destructive role . . . in undermining struggles for justice,” based on a few occasions when ADL criticized antisemites such as Ilhan Omar.


Read ZOA’s news release:
Nominee for Asst. Attorney General for Civil Rights Division Kristin Clarke is a Racist, Jew-Hater, Israel-Hater-Withdraw This Horrific Nomination

Deb Haaland
Interior Secretary

Haaland tweeted: ‘The murder of 60 Palestinians in Gaza just as Ramadan begins weigh heavy on my heart today…” but failed to mention that Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad acknowledged almost all casualties were their militants. J Street called her their hero.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA Examines 4 More Biden Appts for Their Hostility-to-Israel

Antony Blinken
Secretary of State

Blinken opposed sanctioning and designating Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a foreign terrorist organization.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA: Biden’s Troubling Appointments: Apologizer-to-Sarsour Tony Blinken; Anti-Israel Platform-Promoter Avril Haines; Suicide Bombing-Supporter Reema Dodin; and Alejandro Mayorkas

Avril Haines
Director of National Intelligence

Haines signed a vicious letter falsely condemning Israeli violence, terrorism, and incitement.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA: Biden’s Troubling Appointments: Apologizer-to-Sarsour Tony Blinken; Anti-Israel Platform-Promoter Avril Haines; Suicide Bombing-Supporter Reema Dodin; and Alejandro Mayorkas

Reema Dodin
Deputy Director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs

Dodin legitimized and even encouraged suicide bombings against Jews.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA: Biden’s Troubling Appointments: Apologizer-to-Sarsour Tony Blinken; Anti-Israel Platform-Promoter Avril Haines; Suicide Bombing-Supporter Reema Dodin; and Alejandro Mayorkas

Alejandro Mayorkas
Secretary of Homeland Security

Mayorkas serves on HIAS board, which works with Islamic Relief, an organization on Israel’s terrorist list.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA: Biden’s Troubling Appointments: Apologizer-to-Sarsour Tony Blinken; Anti-Israel Platform-Promoter Avril Haines; Suicide Bombing-Supporter Reema Dodin; and Alejandro Mayorkas

Karine Jean-Pierre
White House Press Secretary

Jean-Pierre condemned those who condemned Jew-haters Reps. Omar, Tlaib, and AOC; and successfully urged Democratic presidential candidates not to attend a major pro-Israel conference.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA’s Klein JNS Op-Ed—Top Contender for Biden’s Press Secretary is a Jew-Hating Israelophobe

Susan Rice
Director of the Domestic Policy Council

Rice’s deeply concerning policy positions include: calling Israel’s concerns about the Iran Deal outrageous; promoting anti-Israel UNRWA; U.S. involvement in Israel-bashing UN Human Rights Council; supporting anti-Israel UNSC Res. 2334…


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA to Biden: Reconsider Appointing Yet Another Israel-Basher Susan Rice to Top Govt Post

Denis McDonough
Secretary of Veterans Affairs

McDonough spoke at the anti-Israel J Street convention and falsely accused Israel of occupying “Palestinian land.”


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA Examines 4 More Biden Appts for Their Hostility-to-Israel

Pete Buttigieg
Secretary of Transportation

Buttigieg called for financially penalizing Israel if Israel ‘annexes’ Jewish communities in Judea/Samaria and blamed Israel for the lack of peace.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA Examines 4 More Biden Appts for Their Hostility-to-Israel

Symone Sanders
Senior Advisor and Chief Spokesperson to the Vice President

Sanders praised Israel-basher and Jew-hater Linda Sarsour as dedicating her career to fighting for justice.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA Examines 4 More Biden Appts for Their Hostility-to-Israel

Robert Malley
U.S. Special Envoy on Iran

An analysis of Malley’s 2019 foreign policy articles aptly observed that Malley’s foreign policy prescriptions consist of: abandoning our allies (Israel, Sunni Arab states); raising false specters of war; and weakening the U.S. and our partners to follow a dangerous, doomed “peace through weakness” strategy.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA Opposes Robert Malley Serving as Special Envoy on Iran – or Any Position

Maher Bitar
Senior Director for Intelligence at the National Security Council

Bitar wrote in one paper, “Israel’s political existence as a state is the cause for Palestinian dispossession and statelessness…. Israel’s rejection of their right to return remains the main obstacle to finding a durable solution.”


Read Daniel Greenfield’s op-ed:
Biden Puts Maher Bitar, Anti-Israel BDS Activist in Charge of NSC Intel | Frontpagemag

Merrick Garland
United States Attorney General

Judge Garland’s decisions repeatedly blocked or limited innocent victims of Palestinian Arab terrorism and Iranian terrorism from obtaining justice.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA Raises Concerns About Nominee for Atty General Merrick Garland’s Troubling Rulings on Terrorism

John Kerry
Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

Kerry insisted: “There will be no advance and separate peace between Israel and the Arab world, without the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. Everybody needs to understand that. That is a hard reality.” (video) The Abraham Accords proved Kerry completely wrong.


Read ZOA’s news release:
ZOA: John Kerry – Another Dangerous Hostile-to-Israel, Pro-Iran Biden Appointee

Michael Ratney
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

“Under [his] watch, the State Department provided $465,000 in grants to a group called OneVoice, which then joined a group called Victory 15 and worked to defeat Benjamin Netanyahu and his Likud Party in Israel’s elections. This struck many observers, including me, as highly inappropriate, if not unethical, especially given that the Obama administration disagreed with Netanyahu and his many policies, including the Iran nuclear deal.” – Sen. Bill Hagerty


Read ZOA’s news release:
New Biden Nominees Opposed Abraham Accords & Involved in Israeli Election Interference

Elizabeth Frawley Bagley
U.S. Ambassador to Brazil

There is always the influence of the Jewish lobby because there is major money involved” – Elizabeth Bagley


Read ZOA’s new release:
Another Biden Hostile-to-Jews/Israel Nominee: Elizabeth Bagley’s Antisemitic Tropes Cause Senate Rejecting Her as U.S. Ambassador to Brazil