Category News
ZOA Horrified by Murder of American/Israeli Patriot Ari Fuld

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The ZOA joins thousands of Israelis, Americans and Jews throughout the world in mourning an extraordinary Jewish patriot, American-Israeli Jew Ari Fuld, father of four children, who was murdered in cold blood this weekend at the Gush Etzion shopping center’s parking […]

ZOA Victory Over Anti-Semitism on Campuses!

As reported on the front page of the New York Times this week, the Zionist Organization of America’s (ZOA)’s years-long battle to fight anti-Semitism on campuses moved one step closer to victory. We need your help to finish the job – give now! When Jewish Rutgers University students were harassed and discriminated against for being […]

ZOA Praises US for Reopening ZOA Lawsuit Against Rutgers for Tolerating Anti-Semitism

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has for years been fighting anti-Semitism, standing up for Jewish students and against anti-Semites to make American campuses “safe spaces” for Jews. ZOA campus professionals work on over 100 campuses to help Jewish students and fight lies against the Jewish State. ZOA filed the first case of campus anti-Semitism […]

ZOA Praises Pres. Trump for Closing PLO/PA Office in Washington D.C.

Zionist organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: ZOA strongly praised President Trump and his administration for starting the Jewish New Year right, with the U.S. State Department’s announcement on Monday that, after careful review, the U.S. is closing the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)’s “General Delegation” office in Washington, DC.  The State Department […]

OP-ED Morton Klein: Trump Wisely Ends U.S. Funding to UNRWA | Breitbart

UNRWA schools teach students to hate and murder Jews, and have served as weapons depots and rocket-launching pads for Hamas. President Trump ended the travesty of U.S. taxpayers funding UNRWA’s cynical use and endless expansion of purported Palestinian Arab “refugees” and their descendants as a weapon designed to destroy Israel. The administration’s decision can ultimately contribute […]

ZOA Praises Choice of Dr. Kiron Skinner as Director of the Policy Planning Staff for Sec. of State

ZOA praises the choice of Dr. Kiron Skinner as Director of the Policy Planning Staff for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. As a leading foreign policy intellectual, she is the founding director for the Institute for Politics and Strategy at Carnegie Mellon University.  She has co-authored two books about Ronald Reagan, and served on the […]

ZOA’s Title VI Case Against Rutgers Reopened by US Civil Rights Office

ZOA President Morton A. Klein and Director of the ZOA Center for Law and Justice Susan Tuchman, Esq. released the following statement: In a long-awaited decision, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) is re-opening the ZOA’s 2011 case against New Jersey’s Rutgers University, which alleged that Jewish students were subjected to […]

ZOA Thrilled by Appointment of Patriot and Strong Friend of Israel Jon Kyl Replacing Sen. McCain

ZOA President Morton A Klein released the following statement: All who care about Israel and America are thrilled. Jon Kyl is a friend of mine and I know firsthand he is a great friend of Israel who was the leader in the 1995 Bill to move the Embassy to Jerusalem. He is a man of […]

ZOA Mourns Passing of Sen. McCain, Patriot and Great Friend of Israel

ZOA President Morton A Klein and Chairman Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) deeply mourns the passing of U.S. Senator John McCain, a great American patriot and a great friend of the Jewish state of Israel. In Mort Klein’s dealings with Senator McCain, it was always clear that […]

ZOA Praises Pres. Trump and U.S. Amb. to Germany Grenell for Deporting Nazi War Criminal

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein, especially as a child of holocaust survivors, released the following statement: The ZOA strongly praises and thanks President Donald Trump and U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell for ICE’s deportation of Nazi war criminal Jakiw Palij from Queens, NY to Germany this morning.  Palij was the last-known […]