Category Press Release
Obama Claim: “Too Many Israelis Ready To Abandon The Hard Work Of Peace”

New York, September 29, 2014: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized President Barack Obama’s for his baseless and offensive claim, contained in his address to the United Nations General Assembly, that “the violence engulfing the region today has made too many Israelis ready to abandon the hard work of peace.” In his address, […]

Israel Can’t Entrust Security To International Peace-Keepers

In recent days, a small fixture of Middle East ceasefire monitoring disintegrated, with scarcely anyone noticing. The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), the multinational force that had monitored the Israeli/Syrian ceasefire lines since 1974, disappeared as though it had never existed. Yet, in the view of Secretary of State John Kerry, an Israeli/Palestinian peace […]

UN Peacekeepers on Israeli/Syrian Lines Flee

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to the disintegration in recent days of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), the UN peace-keeping force that has monitored the Israeli/Syrian ceasefire lines since 1974, as stark refutation of Secretary of State John Kerry’s proposal that Israel to entrust its security in Judea/Samaria to an […]

Philly ZOA Leader’s Article About Honoring Holocaust Liberators and Mahalniks

I t is no secret that the eyewitnesses to the Nazi death camps, the liberators from the U.S. and Allied Armies, are themselves quickly dying off. They did their duty, most having no clue when they walked into the camps that the devastation and utter horror they would see, smell, and touch would linger with them […]

Congressional Bill Opposing BDS-Discrimination Against Judea/Samaria Jews

September 21, 2014 Contact: Jeff Daube, ZOA Israel Director, 011-972-58-538-0850 The Israel Office of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is disseminating an anti-discrimination and boycotts bill, introduced by Congressman Steve Stockman (R-TX) earlier this year, among Knesset members, policy and party leaders, and international law experts.   Stockman’s bill, Prohibiting Discrimination Against Israel Act (HR […]

Fmr. US Attorney Gen’l Mukasey, Klein, Rally Monday, Sept 22 at Lincoln Center

 The Zionist Organization of America (“ZOA”) urges its members and everyone who can do so to attend the important rally on Monday September 22, 2014, at Lincoln Center, at Broadway and 65th Street in Manhattan, starting at 4:30 p.m., to protest against the Met Opera’s scheduled eight performances of the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, pro-terrorist opera, “Death […]

ZOA Criticizes Obama Admin. For Calling Israeli Strikes In Gaza “Unjustified”

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the Obama Administration for describing particular Israeli military strikes during the recent Gaza war as “unjustified” –– despite saying so in the absence of evidence it claims it is awaiting. The ZOA believes that this stance is incorrect in law, harmful to Israel lawfully defending its citizens […]

ZOA: Brookings Institution Must Return $14 Million To Qatar, Supporter of ISIS

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly criticized the leftwing Brookings Institution, a well-known Washington, D.C. think-tank, for accepting funding from radical Islamic sources, including the Persian Gulf country, Qatar. Qatar has funded radical Muslim terrorist groups, including Hamas, and the Islamic State (IS) [IS –– also known as the Islamic State in Iraq […]

ZOA: Pres. Obama Absurdly States ISIS Is Not Islamic

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized President Barack Obama’s speech outlining his intention to take military measures against the Islamic State of Iraq & Syria (ISIS), for absurdly claiming that ISIS is not an Islamic group.   In his speech, President Obama said:   “We can’t erase every trace of evil from the […]