Category Press Release
ZOA: U.S. & Israel Must Terminate Relations With Abbas Following Fatah/P.A.––Hamas Reconciliation Deal

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has urged the Obama Administration and the Israeli government to terminate relations with Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah/Palestinian Authority (PA), following its conclusion of a reconciliation agreement with the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas, which controls Gaza. The State Department designates Hamas as a terrorist organization.   Top Hamas official Hassan Yousef announced […]

ZOA Shocked: Brandeis U. Withdraws Honorary Degree Offer to Hirsi Ali, Women’s Rights Activist Critical of Islam

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is shocked and has strongly criticized Brandeis University’s decision to rescind the awarding of an honorary degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali at Brandeis’ commencement ceremony in May.  Ms. Hirsi Ali is a brave and outspoken author, scholar and advocate for the civil rights of women and girls around the […]

OP-ED BY: Michael Goldblatt ZOA: Pal. Lies & Denial About Jewish Connection & Rights in J’lem Must Stop Now

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to the surreal situation in which Israel is presently under American pressure to make concessions to Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah/Palestinian Authority (PA) when Abbas’ PA actively continues to deny the Jewish connection to Israel in general and Jerusalem in particular and to demand an end to Jewish rights […]

Pollard Told ZOA’s Klein –– Israel Dare Not Make Any Concessions In Order To Free Me

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), which has fought long and hard to secure the release of long-jailed Jonathan Pollard by lobbying legislators, meeting government officials, writing articles, letters and press releases urging his release, nonetheless and with a heavy heart opposes the Obama Administration’s proposal that he be freed in return for unjust, unwise […]

ZOA Opposes Groups Promoting Anti-Israel Boycotts Marching In Israel Day Parade

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly opposes the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC)/NY Federation for granting permission to groups that promote boycotts of Israeli companies in Judea/Samaria to march in the Israel Day Parade, which is taking place on June 1, 2014 in New York City. These groups encourage the Boycotts, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) […]

ZOA: It’s Now Certain –– P.A.’s Abbas Is Extremist Whose Goal Is Israel’s Destruction

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon the Obama Administration to end talks and funding for the Palestinian Authority (PA) following the three no’s PA president Mahmoud Abbas’  gave to President Barack Obama ––– no acceptance of Israel as a Jewish state; no renunciation of the legally baseless so-called ‘right of return,’ whereby […]

Extremist, Fake Pro-Israel J Street Backs Pal. Refusal To Recog. Israel As Jewish State

The anti-Zionist George Soros-funded extremist, fake pro-Israel, J Street, which falsely bills itself as a “pro-Israel, pro-peace” organization, have backed the Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state. This shows again that J Street, despite its protestations, is an organization that takes positions that are opposed even by the left-wing Israeli political parties […]

ZOA Criticizes Pres. Obama For Praising Abbas’ “Renoucing Violence” –– Kerry For Calling Israel Demand of Recognition As “Jewish State” A Mistake

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is deeply concerned and critical of President Barack Obama for praising Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas as “somebody who has consistently renounced violence, has consistently sought a diplomatic and peaceful solution that allows for two states, side by side, in peace and security” (‘Remarks by President Obama and […]

Major Israel-Bashing Website Blames ZOA for Northeastern U.’s Suspension of Anti-Israel “Students for Justice in Palestine” Group

In a March 12, 2014 post on the Israel-bashing website, extremist Max Blumenthal condemned Northeastern University’s recent decision to suspend the so-called “Students for Justice in Palestine” (SJP) group, after the SJP put mock eviction notices under students’ doors in several Northeastern residence halls.  The notices contained false and demonizing information about Israel and […]

After ZOA Campaign, Northeastern U. Suspends Anti-Semitic “Students for Justice in Palestine” Group

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) sent a letter  yesterday to Dr. Joseph E. Aoun, the president of Northeastern University in Boston, MA, strongly praising Northeastern for promptly and appropriately disciplining the anti-Semitic student group that calls itself “Students for Justice in Palestine” (SJP).  At the close of the SJP’s annual anti-Semitic “Israel Apartheid Week,” […]