Category Press Release
Bennett to ZOA Gala—Iranian Aggression Will Be Met With Full Weight of Israel’s Force

By Dmitriy Shapiro (DECEMBER 20, 2021 / JNS) Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett urged the United States and Europeans to challenge Iran over its violation of nuclear nonproliferation. Speaking at the 2021 virtual gala of the Zionist Organization of America on Sunday, Bennett said that Iran only understands force and that the United States and its allies should take the […]

After ZOA Campaign, Biden Freezes Opening Consulate in Jerusalem for Palestinians – ZOA Praises Israel for Standing Strong

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The ZOA is pleased that after a major ZOA campaign in Israel and America, the Biden administration is now freezing its plan to open an insulting, divisive, unlawful U.S. consulate in Jerusalem for Palestinian Arabs. ZOA strongly praises Israel and the Israeli government and […]

ZOA to Duke U.: Rectify Antisemitism at Duke & Override Student Govt.’s Refusal to Recognize a Pro-Israel Student Group

December 14, 2021 VIA EMAIL Vincent E. Price. Ph.D. President, Duke University 207 Allen Building Box 90001 Durham, NC 27708-0001 Dear President Price:        We write on behalf of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest and one of the largest pro-Israel organizations in the U.S., whose mission includes fighting antisemitism and […]

ZOA to Israel: Approve Construction of Jewish Homes in Jerusalem Despite Biden’s Outrageous Interference With Israel’s Sovereign Decisions

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: This past week, the Biden administration – especially Secretary Blinken, U.S. Envoy Thomas-Greenfield, and a U.S. Embassy representative – ramped up the Biden administration’s unconscionable, insulting, bigoted interference with Israel’s sovereign decisions regarding approvals for building badly-needed Jewish homes on Jewish-owned land […]

Iranian American Group and ZOA Urge Joe Biden: Resume ‘Maximum Pressure’ on Iran

By Joshua Klein (DECEMBER 6, 2021 / BREITBART) Following yet another round of failed nuclear talks between the U.S. and Iran in Vienna this past week, Iranian advocacy group Iranian Americans for Liberty (IAL) released a joint statement with the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) blasting attempts at “appeasement” and calling to “end the charade […]

BREITBART: ZOA Accuses Israeli Holocaust Yad Vashem Museum of ‘Appalling’ Censorship of Palestinian Mufti Ties to Hitler

By Joshua Klein (DECEMBER 5, 2021 / BREITBART) Following a published letter by the head of “Yad Vashem” — Israel’s premiere Holocaust museum and research center — defending its refusal to display an infamous photograph of leading Palestinian “Mufti” [Islamic legal authority] Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust, Zionist […]

OP-ED ZOA Oped: Reimpose Sanctions on Anti-Israel Intl Criminal Court

By Morton A. Klein (NOVEMBER 29, 2021  / South Florida Sun-Sentinel) The Palestinian Authority (PA) employs multiple heinous, illegal, immoral methods in its war to destroy the Jewish state. Those methods include violence (inciting and paying terrorists to murder Jews); economic warfare (anti-Israel boycotts); propaganda (demonizing Jews and Israel with countless blood libels); and “lawfare” […]

ZOA: Height of Irony & Hypocrisy: Antisemitic, Anti-American, Lying Hate-Monger llhan Omar “Repeatedly Dishes it Out, But She Can’t Take It”

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton Klein and ZOA Director of Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement: It’s the height of irony and hypocrisy that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who routinely spews the most vicious, incendiary, dangerous, antisemitic and anti-American hate and blood libels, is now demanding that Congresswoman Lauren Boebert […]

OP-ED ZOA’s Tuchman/Klein – JPost Op-Ed: U.S. Jewish Students are Not Protected By U.S. Civil Rights Office

By Susan B. Tuchman, Esq. and Morton A. Klein (NOVEMBER 27, 2021 / JPOST) If you’re worried about rising campus antisemitism and its impact on young Jews, you’ll be alarmed to know that the one federal agency tasked with addressing this problem – the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) – has […]