Category Press Release
In Congress: ZOA’s Mort Klein, Amb. Dore Gold, Dr. Mike Doran, Prof. Kontorovich Testify Supporting Israel Sovereignty over Golan

The potential US recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights was the focus of a congressional hearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday. Israel took control of the strategically-important plateau from Syria during the 1967 Six-Day War and later annexed it in a move that was not recognized internationally. Given the civil war that has […]

Wash. News Article: ZOA’s Morton Klein and Amb. Dore Gold Testify Before Congress Urging U.S. Support of Israeli Sovereignty of Golan Hts.

Congress is renewing efforts to press the Trump administration into recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the contested Golan Heights region on Israel’s northern border with Syria, bucking efforts by GOP leadership to kill the effort, according to conversations with lawmakers. The House’s National Security Subcommittee, led by chairman Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.) will hold a […]

ZOA Praises Cong. DeSantis for Urging Designation of Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Group

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The ZOA praises the Chairman of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee’s Subcommittee on National Security, Congressman Ron DeSantis (R-FL) for initiating and chairing a hearing on July 11, 2018 entitled “The Muslim Brotherhood’s Global Threat,” to discuss this global threat, […]

ZOA: Talya Messeri joins ZOA in Major New Post-National Director/Outreach

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is pleased to announce that Talya Messeri is joining the ZOA team in a major new post as National Director, Outreach and Engagement. She has over 10 years of experience working with multiple non-profits from coast to coast as a fundraiser, outreach professional, and structural strategist; her background also […]

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) Announces New Officers at Installation Event

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National Board has announced its new officers at its board installation in ZOA’s new offices last week at which over 100 people including Board Members, friends, family, and donors attended. All joined in a beautiful singing of Hatikvah.  Mark Levenson, Esq. is the new Chair of the Board, succeeding Dr. […]

ZOA: U.S. Must Insist Germany Admit and Prosecute Nazi War Criminal Jakiw Palij

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: It is unacceptable that Nazi war criminal Jakiw Palij is still living peacefully in Jackson Heights, Queens, despite the fact that a federal court ordered Palij to be deported from the United States in 2004.  Palij was stripped of his U.S. citizenship in […]

ZOA Appalled: Muslim Congress Features Anti-Semitic, Holocaust Denying, Anti-Gay, Pro-Terrorist Speakers at Annual Conference

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) denounced the Muslim Congress for its plan to feature anti-Semitic, Holocaust-denying, anti-gay, and pro-terrorist speakers at its 14th annual conference – entitled “Islam: Religion of Hope”—on July 6-8 in Orlando, Florida. The Muslim Congress represents itself as a charitable 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization whose objectives are “to promote Islamic knowledge, morality, […]

ZOA: Info in ZOA’s Amicus Brief Cited in Supreme Court’s Majority Travel Ban Decision

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Special Projects Elizabeth A. Berney, Esq. released the following statement: The Zionist Organization of America praises the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Trump v. Hawaii, (No. 17–965, June 26, 2018), upholding President Trump’s Proclamation (No. 9645, issued Sept. 27, 2018).   The Proclamation, also known as […]

ZOA Praises Cong’s DeSantis and Goodlatte for Bill to Fight BDS Anti-Israel Boycotts

ZOA president Morton A. Klein and Director of ZOA’s Center for Law and Justice, Susan Tuchman, Esq. released the following statement: The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) commended U.S. Representative Ron DeSantis (R-FL) and House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) for introducing H.R. 6095, the Export Administration Anti-Discrimination Act (EAADA), which will bolster already-existing law […]