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OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein ZOA LA Jewish Journal Oped: Israeli Officials Name-Calling Aids BDS and Israels Enemies

Israeli leaders are shooting themselves in their PR foot. There is something wrong with the tone and language of political debate in Israel. It would seem from the events of recent days –– in which Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brought Avigdor Lieberman, head of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, into the governing coalition, replacing Moshe Ya’alon as […]

More Strong Criticism of ADL Greenblatt’s Actions by JPost’s Isi Leibler

Jonathan Greenblatt’s response (click here for link) to my criticism of his embrace of J Street, alleging that I distorted his message, is disingenuous and reaffirms my assessment. (click here for link) Invoking clichés “that there are steps Israel can take to ensure the viability of a two-state solution” are ill-becoming the head of a major […]

Hamas Leader’s Son Urges Uniting Against Islam, Says Islam Endangers All Humanity

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The ZOA praises the son of a Hamas leader Mosab Hassan Yousef (a/k/a “the Green Prince”) for his courageous, important, and insightful speech at the Jerusalem Post conference in New York yesterday (May 22, 2016), urging the free world to unite against […]

NY Times Shows Extreme Bias Against Avigdor Lieberman – Israel’s Defense Minister

A headline and a news article in the New York Times describe Israeli politician Avigdor Lieberman and his Yisrael Beiteinu party as “ultranationalist.” “Benjamin Netanyahu Seeks Ultranationalists for Coalition in Israel,” the headline says. What’s the difference between “ultranationalist” and just plain “nationalist,” or, for that matter, patriotic, or Zionist? The Times doesn’t explain, instead letting the […]

ADL Speech to J St. Wrongly Casts “Equal” Blame on Israel, Promotes Pro-BDS “Black Lives Matter”

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq., released the following statement: In this dangerous era – when Palestinian Arab terrorists are knifing, shooting, ramming cars into and bombing innocent Israeli Jewish civilians virtually every day, and anti-Semitic attacks on Jews throughout the world are […]

UN Briefing Libels Israel – Justifies Arab Terrorism

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and Liz Berney, esq. ZOA director of special projects released the following statement: A briefing on April 27, 2016, sponsored by the anti-Israel 26-member UN “Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of Palestinian People,” was full of anti-Israel falsehoods, and demonstrated why the U.S. […]

Nazi-like Palestinians Call for Murdering Jews and Praise Murderers

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed out three new glaring examples of incitement to hatred and murder within Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA), which has met with silence from the Obama Administration and other governments around the world. The ZOA has also renewed its call for U.S. aid to the PA to be […]

ZOA’s Klein Extensively Quoted in NY Jewish Week Article

Anybody who cared about the civil rights movement in the 1960s, and even today, would immediately recognize the names Goodman, Schwerner and Chaney, activists, two Jewish, one black, murdered in Mississippi by the Klan. Today, many surely know the names Treyvon Martin or Eric Garner, young black men killed before their time. But who, even […]

ZOA to CUNY Leaders: Exercise Moral Leadership and Publicly Condemn CUNY’s Anti-Israel Boycott Resolution

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today called on James B. Milliken, the Chancellor of The City of New York (CUNY), and the CUNY Board of Trustees to issue a statement to the CUNY community, publicly condemning a resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions, which is under consideration by the Doctoral Students’ Council (DSC), the […]