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NY Jewish Week: ZOA Criticizes CUNY Action Against Anti-Semitism as Weak and Inadequate

Two and a half weeks after a group of students chanting slogans including “Zionists off campus” broke up a Brooklyn College faculty council meeting, City University of New York Chancellor James B. Milliken announced the school had hired outside attorneys to investigate complaints that a student group is causing Jews to feel harassed and physically […]

ZOA Criticizes US Amb. to UN Samantha Power’s Anti-Israel, Anti-Judea/Samaria Remarks at UN

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein issued the following statement: US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power singled out Israel for unfair criticism during Amb. Power’s opening remarks at the UN Security Council Open Debate on the Middle East.   Ambassador Power’s remarks at the UN were the height of hypocrisy – since […]

ZOA Praises Amb. to UN Samantha Power for Denouncing UN’s Anti-Israel Bias

The ZOA praises the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, for denouncing anti-Israel bias at the United Nations, particularly at the UN Human Rights Council, during the Ambassador’s address to Model UN participants at a school in Israel on Monday (February 15).   Ambassador Power noted that “Israel is just not treated like other countries,” […]

ZOA: Obama Misrepresented Muslim History During Radical Mosque Speech

During President Obama’s speech at the Islamic Society of Baltimore (ISB) mosque (Feb. 3), the President falsely presented Islam as the “religion of peace,” and ignored Islam’s history of piracy against America and Europe, enslavement of blacks and others, and forcible conversions and murders of persons of other faiths. The Saudi Arabia, Iraqi, and Palestinian […]

Eco-Community Rotem, Israel

Today, and this weekend specifically, the group had the opportunity to see a side of Israel that not many programs take you to see. It’s been a really interesting and eye opening weekend and I am really excited to bring this perspective back to campus as an active Israel activist.   As an activist on […]

Shabbat in Judea/Samaria

Yesterday we went to the Jordan Valley, which has an Arab/Palestinian and an Israeli community living and working side-by-side, however, side-by-side does not imply house next to house. The Palestinians work for the Israeli’s and the Israeli’s go to the Palestinians to utilize the goods and services they have to offer. The Palestinians work for […]

Ariel: A Miracle in the Hills of Samaria

As the bus rolled up into the hills of the Israeli countryside, I pondered just how lucky I was. Being in the state of Israel in person, to be standing on my own two feet in the holy land, was and is my own personal miracle, the latest in a long line of them.   […]

Why a Double Standard on Terrorism in Israel Compared to France?

To the Editor:   French President Francois Hollande is correct to describe the barbaric attacks in Paris this month as an “act of war”.  WJW identifies the need to confront the evil these atrocities represent (“The real fight against evil”, Editorial, Nov. 19).   The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and its affiliate, the JCRC, […]

ZOA Condemns UNESCO’s Res. Calling Jewish Tomb of Patriarchs & Rachel’s Tomb Muslim Sites

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the sinister UNESCO resolution declaring the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem to be Muslim sites, while making no mention of these being Jewish sites. The UNESCO resolution called both sites “an integral part of Palestine.” This is a very dangerous and frightening development […]

Israel Natl News – ZOA Discusses Reason Obama Stopped Kerry/Power from Attending Netanyahu UN Speech

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s powerful speech in the United Nations last week was largely upstaged by the murderous Palestinian terrorist attack wave that began less than two hours later. However, two announcements by the Zionist Organization of America have returned the speech – during which he glared at the General Assembly delegates from around the […]