Category Press Release
ZOA Files New Complaint Against Inclusion of J Street, others in WZC

ZOA Files New Complaint Against Inclusion Of J Street, “Open Hillel” and New Israel Fund (NIF) In “HaTikvah Slate” In WZC Election The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is continuing its efforts to try to make sure that the 2015 World Zionist Congress does not include organizations that promote BDS, boycotts against Jewish businesses and […]

ZOA Criticizes Obama for Not Attending Anti-Islamic Terrorism Rally

The ZOA has strongly criticized Pres. Barak Hussein Obama for refusing to attend the massive four-million strong anti-Islamic terrorism rally in France. The rally was attended by dozens of national presidents and prime ministers from around the world, including the heads of France, Germany,  England, and Israel. Not only did Pres. Obama refuse to attend […]

ZOA Condemns Evil Islamic Terrorist Massacre in France

The ZOA condemns in the strongest possible terms the murders of twelve innocent people in France by evil Islamic monsters. The Jews of Israel and Jews around the world have experienced these types of horrific murders. In fact, thousands of innocent Jews have been murdered by evil Muslims, who kill in the name of Allah. […]

ZOA Urges Ending $440 Million Per Year of US Aid to Palestinian Authority

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today called upon the Administration to act in accordance with US law and end aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) immediately.  The last two weeks have seen outrageous actions by the leadership of the PLO, proposing unilateral changes to the borders of Israel in a failed UN Security Council […]

ZOA Praises Obama Admin. Vote Opposing UN Security Council Resolution

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised the Obama Administration, including President Barack Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry and Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power for taking a principled and moral stand by voting against a Jordanian-sponsored United Nations Security Council resolution, advanced by terrorism-promoting Palestinian Authority (PA) dictator-president Mahmoud Abbas, calling for Israeli/Palestinian […]

Obama Releases Six Dangerous Terrorists To Freedom In Uruguay

We reiterate our earlier call that President Barack Obama free Jonathan Pollard, after freeing three convicted spies who spied for an enemy regime, Cuba, and after freeing ten terrorists imprisoned at Guantanamo, who are clear security threats to the United States. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) further notes that several of the released Guantanamo terrorists have been […]

ZOA Files Complaint: Disqualify “Hatikvah” Slate From WZC Election

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) filed an objection/complaint yesterday with the election officials administering the upcoming World Zionist Congress election, to disqualify a group that misleadingly calls itself the “HaTikvah slate,” because the group Ameinu of the “HaTikvah slate” lobbies for international sanctions against Israeli leaders whose political positions they disagree with, and […]

Abbas’ Top Religious Adviser: “All Of This Land Will Return To Us”

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today condemned the latest statements of Holocaust-denying, terrorist-promoting Palestinian Authority (PA) dictator Mahmoud Abbas’ adviser on religious and Islamic affairs, PA Supreme Sharia Judge, Mahmoud Al-Habbash, for stating in his latest Friday sermon that Israel will disappear and that “all of this land will return to us.” Al-Habbash said […]

If Pres. Obama Can Free 3 Cuban Spies, He Must Free Jonathan Pollard

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is strongly declaring that President Barack Obama, who has this week freed three convicted spies who spied for an enemy regime, Cuba, must free Jonathan Pollard, who spied for an American ally, Israel.  The ZOA further notes that one of the convicted spies freed by President Obama was responsible […]