Category Press Release
New Poll: 72% Palestinian Arabs Support Hamas’ Military Approach, Want To Use It In Judea/Samaria As Well

New York, September 4, 2014: A new poll has shown that a majority of Palestinian Arabs — 72% — support adopting Hamas’ military approach, used in Hamas-controlled Gaza to fight Israel, in Judea/Samaria as well. The poll, conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, also found: 61% of Palestinian Arabs would chose […]

New Poll: 60% Pal. Arabs Reject Accepting Existence of Israel

New York, September 3, 2014: A recent poll has shown that a large majority of Palestinian Arabs –– 60% –– reject permanently accepting Israel’s existence and instead suggest their leaders “work toward reclaiming all of historic Palestine, from the river to the sea.” The poll, conducted throughout the Palestinian Authority (PA) territories, commissioned by the […]

ZOA: U.N.’s Proposed Gaza Ceasefire Equates Israeli & Hamas Action, Gives Hamas Victory By Seeking A Lifting Of Embargo On Gaza

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the ceasefire resolution under consideration by the United Nations Security Council, including the United States, which indulges in false moral equivalence between Israeli military action in Gaza and the war crimes committed by the terrorist organization, Hamas; and calls for lifting of aspects of Israel’s lawful blockade […]

ZOA: Stop Calling Terrorists ‘Militants’

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today released the following statement:  “Stop Calling Terrorists ‘Militants’  –– They’re Terrorists.  Those who deliberately murder and maim innocents are not ‘militants,’ so stop calling them ‘militants.’   “Hamas are terrorists, not militants.  “The Taliban are terrorists, not militants.  “Al Qaeda are terrorists, not militants.  “ISIS are terrorists, not militants. […]

ZOA Opposes U.N. Probe Into Israel’s Actions In Gaza, Esp. If Hamas Not Probed For War Crimes

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) strongly opposes the proposed United Nations inquiry designed to identify alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza, which is to be led by a veteran Israel-hater, William Schabas. The proposed inquiry, called into being by the anti-Israel United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), is designed to investigate solely Israel’s alleged […]

Pres. Obama Resupplies Iraq Battling ISIS Terrorists –– But Delays Resupply to Israel Battling Hamas Terrorists

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to the perturbing fact that President Barack Obama has approved resupplying the Iraqi government, which is battling ISIS terrorists, with some 4,000 Hellfire missiles worth about $700 million, while slowing and effectively putting on hold, pending Administration approval, routine and pre-arranged resupply of Hellfire missiles to Israel […]

ZOA Deeply Concerned At Reports That Pres. Obama Withholding Arms From Israel During Gaza War

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed deep concern over disturbing reports that President Barack Obama has pressured Israel by withholding military shipments to Israel in the midst of its war with Hamas over his opposition to Israel continuing its military operations. Reports, citing an unnamed senior Israeli official confirmed to Israeli media that […]

UNRWA School Attack For Which Israel Was Condemned Was Staged By Hamas

 The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to emerging and strong evidence that the death of Arab Gazan civilians blamed on an Israeli strike upon an UNWRA school earlier this week –– for which the Obama Administration condemned Israel –– was in fact staged by Nazi-like  terrorist group Hamas.   The ZOA has called upon […]

ZOA: Does Pres. Obama “Have Israel’s Back,” Or Hamas’ Back?

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has publicly queried whether President Barack Obama, who has often proclaimed  that ‘I have Israel’s back,’ in fact has Israel’s back, or whether he actually has the terrorist Hamas organization’s back, to judge from a number of his recent decisions.   The ZOA issued today the following statement: “In recent […]

Pres. Obama’s Claim That He Supports Israel’s Right to Defend Itself Seems Hollow, As He Demands Ceasefire Now

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) painfully realizes that President Barack Obama’s claim that he supports Israel’s right to self-defense against the Nazi-like Hamas seems hollow and false, because he is now demanding an immediate ceasefire. This means President Obama is opposed to Israel completing the mission it undertook, which is yet far from complete, […]