Category Uncategorized
Shabbat in Judea/Samaria

Yesterday we went to the Jordan Valley, which has an Arab/Palestinian and an Israeli community living and working side-by-side, however, side-by-side does not imply house next to house. The Palestinians work for the Israeli’s and the Israeli’s go to the Palestinians to utilize the goods and services they have to offer. The Palestinians work for […]

Ariel: A Miracle in the Hills of Samaria

As the bus rolled up into the hills of the Israeli countryside, I pondered just how lucky I was. Being in the state of Israel in person, to be standing on my own two feet in the holy land, was and is my own personal miracle, the latest in a long line of them.   […]

Why a Double Standard on Terrorism in Israel Compared to France?

To the Editor:   French President Francois Hollande is correct to describe the barbaric attacks in Paris this month as an “act of war”.  WJW identifies the need to confront the evil these atrocities represent (“The real fight against evil”, Editorial, Nov. 19).   The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington and its affiliate, the JCRC, […]

ZOA Condemns UNESCO’s Res. Calling Jewish Tomb of Patriarchs & Rachel’s Tomb Muslim Sites

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the sinister UNESCO resolution declaring the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem to be Muslim sites, while making no mention of these being Jewish sites. The UNESCO resolution called both sites “an integral part of Palestine.” This is a very dangerous and frightening development […]

Israel Natl News – ZOA Discusses Reason Obama Stopped Kerry/Power from Attending Netanyahu UN Speech

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s powerful speech in the United Nations last week was largely upstaged by the murderous Palestinian terrorist attack wave that began less than two hours later. However, two announcements by the Zionist Organization of America have returned the speech – during which he glared at the General Assembly delegates from around the […]

ZOA Praises Netanyahu UN Speech Condemning World Silence on Iran’s Threats to Destroy Israel

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for condemning the international community in his speech today to the United Nations General Assembly over its utter silence regarding continuing Iranian threats to destroy Israel. Iran is already increasing funding for the Assad regime in Syria, Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in […]

ZOA: Israel Must Discipline Israeli Arab MKs Who Support & Encourage Physically Attacking Jews

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has urged the Israeli government to discipline those Israeli Arab Members of Knesset (MKs) who have recently supported law breaking and encouraged Arabs to physically attack Jews in Jerusalem. Israeli Arab MK Ahmed Tibi, himself, hit an Israeli police officer. The ZOA is urging Israel to strip them of parliamentary immunity from […]

ZOA Criticizes Ann Coulter’s Anti-Semitic “F–ing Jews” Tweet

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized conservative pundit Ann Coulter for offensively anti-Semitic tweets during last night’s Republican presidential candidates debate. In the course of the debate, Coulter grew antagonistic towards GOP candidates speaking of the need to strengthen ties with Israel and assist her in potentially defending herself against a nuclear armed […]