Category Press Release
Israeli Army Expects That If Israel Withdraws, Gaza May Become “A Terrorist Entity Where Anarchy Prevails”

NEW YORK- The Israeli Army expects that if Israel unilaterally withdraws from Gaza, then Gaza may become “a terrorist entity where anarchy prevails,” according to documents obtained by the Israeli daily Ma’ariv. The Ma’ariv report (October 15, 2004) quotes from internal Israeli Army documents outlining the army’s plans and expectations in the event of a […]

ZOA: Principle Of Free Speech Undermined By Israeli Pres. Katzav’s Call To Imprison Those Who Say Gaza Retreat Is Dangerous

Is He Urging Arrest of Sharansky and Arens? NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed its dismay at the statement by Israeli President Moshe Katzav that anyone who calls the Gaza retreat plan “a danger to security” or “a mortal blow at the State of Israel” should be “placed behind bars.” ZOA […]

Support Growing Among Israeli Public For National Referendum Before Gaza Retreat – 69% Now Back Referendum Proposal

NEW YORK- A new poll has found that more than two-thirds of Israelis now support the holding of a national referendum on the proposal to unilaterally withdraw from Gaza. The poll, conducted by the Teleseker firm for the Israeli daily Ma’ariv on September 13, 2004, found that 69% of Israelis want a national referendum on […]

Another Argument For Gaza Retreat Crumbles, As French Refuse To Promise To Stop Pressure After Withdrawal

NEW YORK- While supporters of the Gaza retreat plan have claimed that an Israeli withdrawal will put a halt to international pressure against Israel for more concessions, French leaders have “laughed” at Israel’s expectation that they will stop their pressure. Knesset Speaker Ruby Rivlin told the Israeli newspaper Hatzofeh (Sept.15, 2004) that during his last […]

ZOA Agrees With Netanyahu And Majority Of Israelis: National Referendum Should Be Held Before Gaza Retreat

Rabin Supported Referendum Idea NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) supports the call by many leading Israelis for the holding of a national referendum on the proposal to unilaterally withdraw from Gaza. Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for a referendum, and Knesset Speaker Ruby Rivlin (Jerusalem Post, Sept. 14, 2004) has […]

Sharon’s Ban On Uzi Landau Speaking Abroad Is Blatant Attempt To Silence Opponents Of Gaza Surrender

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed its dismay at the reported decision by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to prevent cabinet minister Uzi Landau from speaking abroad, a decision which strikes a blow at the cherished principle of freedom of speech. The ZOA has invited Minister Landau to speak at its […]